LUKE 2:10-11
"Then the angel said to them, 'Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people,
For unto you is BORN this day in the city of David,
A SAVIOR, who is Christ the Lord.'"
Our Christmas this year was indeed a FULL one! There were many blessings and adventures along the way, but in the end, we remember the real and true reason for celebrating. On Christmas Day, we began our morning at home. Andrew was up at the crack of dawn very anxious to wake everyone up so we could open presents. He uses the excuse that he wanted to see his girls' excitement, but we KNOW the real reason. You just have to love that precious Andrew of mine! I calmed him down enough to start with opening stockings. Our little 7 month old, Mercy, was wide eyed, being that this was her first Christmas and was not quite sure how to take it all in. She handled herself pretty well though.
While the girls were content with their stocking stuffers, I made a big breakfast of scrambled eggs, sausage links, sliced oranges, cinnamon rolls, egg nog, and apple juice. We then opened the greatest present under the tree which was wrapped in a brown paper bag. Inside Marie found a small figure of Baby Jesus in a manger. We explained to the girls how Jesus did not come wrapped in fancy paper, clothes, etc. He humbled himself, became a man, and was born in a barn...not a hospital or the like. He had no beautiful crib to sleep in only straw from the cow's trough. The Christmas story was then unfolded at the breakfast table as the girls listened intently and Marie held the little Baby Jesus. We thanked our loving Savior for giving His life for us so that we could have eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
It was then on to the opening of the presents and the getting ready to go over to Papa and Mama's House for our evening Christmas Dinner...and more opening of presents. What a blessing from the Lord to get to open the presents when it is HIS birthday! For those of you who would like to know, the girls received TOYS...and More TOYS!! Andrew got a new pair of shoes...pretty spiffy you ask me...clothes, books, and other little goodies of course. My big present from Andrew was more of a JOINT Family gift. It was most needed and it was a good excuse to purchase it. Our CD/stereo player had practically DIED so he purchased me a new one. This one is really neat because it has a record player as well and looks like an old timey radio set. I just love records and seeing that my Beloved sister, Courtney, has "BORROWED" my record player for about 3 years now, it was time to get another one.
The one special thing I should add about our present giving was that this year we took the girls to the Dollar Tree. They both were given the opportunity to shop without the influence of Mommy and Daddy to pick out things for each other and of course Mommy and Daddy. Andrew and I had to take two separate trips with them in order to do it. Natty picked out a lighter for Andrew because she said that Daddy likes to light the candles at our table...which is very true. She picked out a coffee mug that said, "It's A Girl," on it for myself. She told me that is was supposed to be Mercy in the front in a baby stroller. She also picked out some pink nail polish for me. Marie, on the other hand, is still learning as she goes along. She picked out a teddy bear key chain and a Disney Princess Sticker for me and a toy soccer ball for Andrew. What gifts of love our girls are learning to give. We definitely have to add this to our annual Christmas to do list. It's a KEEPER!
At Papa and Mama's House, Mama prepared a wonderful Christmas meal completely different from what we usually have on Christmas. We found a recipe for Cranberry Glazed Chicken on the internet that is baked and marinated in cloves and spices...mmmmm. It was quite good in fact. She also made Corn Pudding, Broccoli Salad with mandarin oranges, rolls, a beautiful fruit bowl, sumptuous mashed potatoes, and several desserts. Let's just say we were completely stuffed and worn out after it was all said and done.
Yet, in the end, it was a wonderful time of being together and rejoicing in Christ's Birth and Salvation.
Here are a few video clips of our fun times. These are more for Dad, Mom, and Uncle Jesse in Illinois because they were unable to be with us this Christmas. Yet, I'm sure everyone will enjoy Papa's Gift Opening Clip. It brought a smile to my face.
"Then the angel said to them, 'Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people,
For unto you is BORN this day in the city of David,
A SAVIOR, who is Christ the Lord.'"
Happy Birthday to our Precious Jesus!
What a privilege it is for us as believers in Him
to celebrate His birthday.
What a privilege it is for us as believers in Him
to celebrate His birthday.
Our Christmas this year was indeed a FULL one! There were many blessings and adventures along the way, but in the end, we remember the real and true reason for celebrating. On Christmas Day, we began our morning at home. Andrew was up at the crack of dawn very anxious to wake everyone up so we could open presents. He uses the excuse that he wanted to see his girls' excitement, but we KNOW the real reason. You just have to love that precious Andrew of mine! I calmed him down enough to start with opening stockings. Our little 7 month old, Mercy, was wide eyed, being that this was her first Christmas and was not quite sure how to take it all in. She handled herself pretty well though.
While the girls were content with their stocking stuffers, I made a big breakfast of scrambled eggs, sausage links, sliced oranges, cinnamon rolls, egg nog, and apple juice. We then opened the greatest present under the tree which was wrapped in a brown paper bag. Inside Marie found a small figure of Baby Jesus in a manger. We explained to the girls how Jesus did not come wrapped in fancy paper, clothes, etc. He humbled himself, became a man, and was born in a barn...not a hospital or the like. He had no beautiful crib to sleep in only straw from the cow's trough. The Christmas story was then unfolded at the breakfast table as the girls listened intently and Marie held the little Baby Jesus. We thanked our loving Savior for giving His life for us so that we could have eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
It was then on to the opening of the presents and the getting ready to go over to Papa and Mama's House for our evening Christmas Dinner...and more opening of presents. What a blessing from the Lord to get to open the presents when it is HIS birthday! For those of you who would like to know, the girls received TOYS...and More TOYS!! Andrew got a new pair of shoes...pretty spiffy you ask me...clothes, books, and other little goodies of course. My big present from Andrew was more of a JOINT Family gift. It was most needed and it was a good excuse to purchase it. Our CD/stereo player had practically DIED so he purchased me a new one. This one is really neat because it has a record player as well and looks like an old timey radio set. I just love records and seeing that my Beloved sister, Courtney, has "BORROWED" my record player for about 3 years now, it was time to get another one.
The one special thing I should add about our present giving was that this year we took the girls to the Dollar Tree. They both were given the opportunity to shop without the influence of Mommy and Daddy to pick out things for each other and of course Mommy and Daddy. Andrew and I had to take two separate trips with them in order to do it. Natty picked out a lighter for Andrew because she said that Daddy likes to light the candles at our table...which is very true. She picked out a coffee mug that said, "It's A Girl," on it for myself. She told me that is was supposed to be Mercy in the front in a baby stroller. She also picked out some pink nail polish for me. Marie, on the other hand, is still learning as she goes along. She picked out a teddy bear key chain and a Disney Princess Sticker for me and a toy soccer ball for Andrew. What gifts of love our girls are learning to give. We definitely have to add this to our annual Christmas to do list. It's a KEEPER!
At Papa and Mama's House, Mama prepared a wonderful Christmas meal completely different from what we usually have on Christmas. We found a recipe for Cranberry Glazed Chicken on the internet that is baked and marinated in cloves and spices...mmmmm. It was quite good in fact. She also made Corn Pudding, Broccoli Salad with mandarin oranges, rolls, a beautiful fruit bowl, sumptuous mashed potatoes, and several desserts. Let's just say we were completely stuffed and worn out after it was all said and done.
Yet, in the end, it was a wonderful time of being together and rejoicing in Christ's Birth and Salvation.
Here are a few video clips of our fun times. These are more for Dad, Mom, and Uncle Jesse in Illinois because they were unable to be with us this Christmas. Yet, I'm sure everyone will enjoy Papa's Gift Opening Clip. It brought a smile to my face.
1 comment:
It looks like you had a wonderful Christmas, Christy! I love your tradition of unwrapping a little figure of baby Jesus as a spring board into the Christmas story. What a good visual reminder for the children!
Having the girls shop at the Dollar Tree is a wonderful idea. What precious gifts they chose!
Thank you for posting all those beautiful pictures. I especially like the first one of the girls on that lovely couch!
I love you all! Have a Happy New Year!
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