For the Beauty of the Earth For the Glory of the Skies, For the Love which from our Birth Over and Around us Lies. Lord of all, to Thee we Raise, This our Hymn of Grateful Praise.
Christmas Time is truly a precious time of joy and praise to our wonderful Creator and Savior. The song, For the Beauty of the Earth, may be thought of as a Thanksgiving Song, but I love to hear it even at Christmas. It is one of those beloved hymns I enjoy over and over again. I especially think of the song every year when our Christmas tree stands tall, shining brightly, and giving the glory of its beauty to Jesus. He is indeed the Reason for the Season.
Our Christmas Tree this year was a special gift from the Lord. We love making our run to Home Depot after Thanksgiving to get our real tree. The blessing is seeing how the Lord provides a tree for a price we can afford. When we walked into Home Depot, the trees standing out for the height range we desired were NOT the price range we could pay. They were approximately $50, and that was more than we wanted to spend. Just when we thought our annual tradition would be heading over to another tree lot, Andrew spotted some trees closer to the back that were still tied up. These were not marked. They were placed in the 6 to 8 foot category. We needed an 8 foot tree and most all the trees were in the 6 foot range which was priced at about $20. There was one, however, that stood 2 heads taller than the other trees and marked with the same blue tag as the rest. It had not been pulled out on the display floor to be fully measured, therefore, the cashier scanned the price ticket...$19.96 with tax. Yes, the Lord even cares about the little things. As for the outcome of the tree, well, you can decide for yourself.

I love that song too!!
Your tree is gorgeous!! Now all it needs is presents! Of course, I know that won't be a problem :)
Thanks! I needed that this morning. I love that song too.
Andrew cracks me up. I love you all so very much and I'm counting down the days till I come home! I'm feeling so Christmasie right now that I feel like bursting out in song...oh wait I do that all the time. :)
I'm praying for you all...now I must go practice some more. The story of my life.
Your tree is gorgeous! Love it!!! Way to go on the great tree deal too! We'll have to try HD next year.
Nice job on the tree!
Christy, your tree is beautiful, as always! God is so good provide the desires of our hearts when we delight in Him.
I hope to see you soon. It has been one delay after another trying to get to Greenville! Lord willing though, we plan to make it up there December 19-20. I've got to deliver that painting.
Persevere for the Lord!
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