Here are three precious pictures taken from our Christmas Season this year. The first is of Santa Claus
better known as Mr. Johnson who lives in Fountain Inn.
He is a very kind man who absolutely adored our 3 little blessings from Jesus. He even had Natty confused when he told her that his beard was real. He reenacted the Miracle on 34th street number by having her pull his beardbetter known as Mr. Johnson who lives in Fountain Inn.
and saying, "Ow!"
The delight on her face was a sight to see.
The second is our attempt at a Christmas Picture to try and send out. The third is the actual picture. It was quite an ordeal getting these three rascals dressed...not to mention trying to all make them smile at the same time. Oh, and by the way, I was alone for this due to Andrew being at work. The final Christmas picture was not my original intention. I had hoped to have their picture taken on the beautiful couch of our State Senator's home as shown in a previous post. He and his wife live just down the road from our house and they go to our church. After the 15 minute photo session, this was the best I was able to get...you can see for yourself...the girls had quite enough of the picture taking!

Of course, I was not satisfied with this "enchanting picture," so we tried again at the airport in Greenville/Spartanburg. We had to pick up Courtney from her flight in from Wisconsin and the girls were still dressed...so here you have it, the photo is taken in front of the Poinsettia Tree at our wonderful airport...truly these are the memories worth remembering!


cute pics!
April just called....tell Natty to keep praying!!!!!!!
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