what LOVE is:
Jesus Christ laid down
His life for us.
And we ought to lay down
our lives for our brothers.
I John 3:16 (NIV)
Happy Valentine's Day From Our House To Yours. Natty, Marie, and Mercy were all decked out in their pink frog shirts that we purchased from Target, and we thought they we would bring a few Valentine Smiles your way. Our morning started off with Ladies' Bible Study at church and then a GOURMET meal from MacDonalds for lunch. The girls received their special Valentine Goodies this morning before we headed off on our adventures. Popop and Gumma-Gum sent a fun package for the girls, and they were delighted with their beloved Valentine Treats. They are currently coloring in their new coloring books as I type.
Valentine's Day has always been a special time for me even before I was married to my wonderful husband, Andrew. My earthly father who is now in heaven with Jesus always commemorated Valentine's Day by giving me a rose as well as my mother. Of course, I couldn't understand why Mama always got more roses than I did :). Now I know. After my Daddy died, I didn't know who would give me roses anymore for Valentine's Day. That first Valentine's Day after he went home to heaven, I woke up thinking I would not get a rose that day and my heart was very sad. My faithful Jesus knew otherwise. My beloved cousin, Kenny, who is currently serving in the military overseas in Iraq, showed up at our door that day with a rose for me and my mother. I remember feeling so awed at the love of my Savior for remembering and bringing Kenny to deliver them. As time went on, the Lord always remembered and throughout my high school years, somehow and someway, God would bring a rose to me. One Valentine's that especially sticks out in my mind is my sophomore year in college. I was studying in Israel, and again I woke up Valentine's morning thinking no rose this year. That year I had a real desire for a yellow rose because it was such a reflection to me of the light of Jesus and the glory of heaven. I just love yellow roses. I recall praying and telling the Lord, "I may be in Israel, but Lord, you have always been faithful to give me a rose for Valentine's Day, and Lord, I really want a yellow rose." Of course no one but the Lord knew that I wanted a rose. My Israel teachers' wives had divided our group of girls into sections to have Bible Studies with them. I had about five girls in my group and I was placed with Mrs. Cook, the wife of one of the head teachers. When we separated into our groups, I looked over and saw that the other teachers' wives were giving their girls Valentine's treats of candy, cookies, and the like. I thought how nice of them and wondered if Mrs. Cook would do the same for our group. To my surprise she approached us with five roses...4 red and 1 yellow. She said to my surprise, "I hope you girls like roses :). I wanted to get all red roses, but the store only had 4 left so I had to get a yellow one". As she passed them around, she handed me the yellow rose. All I could do was cry out in my heart with praise and thanksgiving to God. He had orchestrated the whole thing for me. My Jesus never forgets His promises to us. Of course I had to tell Mrs. Cook later how the Lord had heard my prayer and used her in such a mighty way.

So as you can see, Valentine's Day, is a special day to me. It is not just a time to express our love and thanks to each other as family and friends, but it is a time to reflect on God's Ultimate Love to us. He gave His life so that we might live and we have the wonderful privilege and opportunity to share that with others. May the Lord bless your day and remind you in some way of His Love and Faithfulness to You.
I had forgotten your story of the roses! Thanks for sharing them again! Love the pictures!
Have a wonderful time tonight!
thanks for sharing your story.. God truly is amazing. My dad used to give us a single rose on Valentine's Day...now that im married, Jed takes care of all that now.
The girls have grown so much.
Thank you for the prayers for Lilyann. You are such an inspiration and blessing to me (from one mommy to another)
I love all the pictures! This post was such an encouragement...I love it when you update. Hint Hint Nudge Nudge. :) I hope you are enjoying your warm weather...we had campus church today because of the ice. I almost killed myself waking to the gym. Love you all...talk to you soon!
Love the pictures and the beautiful rose story...sooo...what color of roses did Andrew get you this year?
I actually thought I wasn't going to get any flowers from him because he had been giving me Valentine "Treats" all week. He called it "Valentine's Week." We then had plans for Valentine's Day such as going to a Thai Restaurant and more, but he pulled through and surprised me with...you guessed it, a dozen yellow roses :)). I was actually sitting in the car lost in thought because I was staring down the car next to me that had a Hillary bumper sticker on it. I was contemplating jumping out of our car to put a tract on that car, but the window of the car said, "Alarm System Security." I could only imagine it going off and everyone looking at me holding the tract...that's one way to spread the GOOD NEWS. While all this was going on in my mind, Andrew knocks on the window...scaring me half to death, but holding the dozen roses.
The car didn't get the tract, but I did get the roses :))
i remember the roses at valentines day!!! us girls used to get a single rose every valentines!!! your 3 frogs are adorable!!!! its great to see their pics :)
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