PSALM 126:2a-3
"Then was our mouth filled with laughter,
and our tongue with singing...
The LORD hath done great things for us;
whereof we are glad."

and our tongue with singing...
The LORD hath done great things for us;
whereof we are glad."

Natty and Marie have some of the best times playing together. They have the wildest imaginations which are indeed a special gift from their marvelous Creator. We had found a large garbage bag marked dress up clothes for $2.50 at a consignment sale about two weeks ago. We couldn't see inside the bag when we bought it, but we thought we would take a chance and be surprised. We were surprised alright when we finally got around to opening the bag. There were about 13 different princess dresses ranging from Disney store to boutique styles. There were also several pairs of dress up shoes that light up, princess hats, batons, and more. The girls were absolutely thrilled. They played for hours that day with all their many treasures. I so much enjoy having little girls in our house. You cannot help but smile and laugh.
As for the strange and weird side of my children... well, let's just say they get that from their Father!! Andrew is always coming up with the most creative games to play with the girls, so I really wasn't surprised to see how his creative genius rubbed off on the girls this morning. I had been putting Mercy down for a nap when I heard the most hilarious laughing coming from the living room. I came out to find Natty and Marie stuffing their pajamas with play food, and believe me when I say they were STUFFED. We had to take a few pictures of the action along with this short video clip. Only the girls can describe best their play time fun. Oh, by the way, some of the statements I heard while in the other room were, "Does this make me look big?" I wondered out loud, "What in the world is going on out there?" You can see for yourself what brought that on. ENJOY!!
Even more hilarious was the realization of Marie when she cried out, "HELP! I have to go potty." It was a sight to see her running for the bathroom with her pajamas completely stuffed yelling, "Mommy. Help me. There's too much food! I got to go potty!!!"
That's really cute!
that sounds just like my "weird" children... samantha & cash are always dressing up & doing crazy things like that... samantha just like to see how many dress up clothes she can get on at one time...its quite hillarious!!!
Very funny!! Patrick like to hide things in his pajamas too!
Sounds fun...and also very cute :) What great memories you are now blogging about! SO happy.
the dog in the picture is comet... he is a boston terrier... we have 2
dogs actually... tooter is our other one!... i posted pics of them both :)
tooter earned his name... - i think that you will understand that.. no they are not from the same litter, tooter is from the humaine society & comet is from a family friend that wasnt able to take care of him any more... & yes they are fun handfulls...its almost like having 2 more kids....
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