2Corinthians 9:6 "But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully."
Our little Mercy Rose has less than a week to go and she will be 8 months old. How this precious time flies with God's humble little treasures. Natty, Marie, and Mercy are indeed a great work of the Lord. Last week, at my morning lady's Bible Study, I learned that I have been given one of the Greatest Assignments a woman can have...I have been entrusted with 3 little souls to raise up to love our Saving and Wonderful Jesus.
Everyday that has been given to me with them is a Gift. I am truly baffled by other mothers who are so wrapped up in their careers that they can leave their little ones behind to be raised by someone else while they go to work. I may not be driving the fancy car, having the big salary, or buying all the great looking shoes and outfits I want; instead I have something even more great. I have the opportunity to invest in a SOUL which means so much more for eternity than all the stacks of paperwork on an office desk that will one day burn up. Don't get me wrong. Some mothers have to go to work. They do not have a choice especially if their spouse dies. In that, the Lord will take care of your little ones and He will take care of you too. Yet, if your husband works, believe me when I say, that the Lord will take care of the extra finances. YOU invest in your little ones. They are only young once. You will not have them forever, and you want to be the one that guides and directs them into the man or woman they are to become.
On that note, I should probably tell you the reason for my writing this title. Natty, Marie, and Mercy were playing today in their room. Natty and Marie had out their Dora Doll House...of which we have two...one we found on the side of the road thrown out and the other at a yard sale for $5.00 (with accessories). Courtney and Emmy had a hand in the side of the road one. It was right after Christmas. "You've never seen any two girls jump out of the car faster to grab up a doll house," states my Mama. By the way, it was pouring down rain too! That of course did NOT deter their mission.
Anyway, there are several buttons that make noise on the doll house when you push it. There is the radio button which says, "Vamos A Bailar." That means, "Let's Dance" in espanol. Well, Marie pushed that button and Mercy's ears perked up. She started bouncing, so I lifted her up on her feet...she holds herself up pretty well now with help...and off she went. The little video clip below shows her "Dancing Debut." I had to put the camera up on a shelf to hold her up and tape it at the same time, so it's a little off centered, but you get the idea.
As for the markers, they were on the floor in the girls' room, and Mercy found them. I turned my back for a second to find her sucking on one. I thought, "That's ok, the cap is on." I had to LOOK and THINK AGAIN! She had got the cap off all by herself. As I pulled the marker out of her mouth, I found a completely green tongue with green lips. She had colored on her arms and bib as well. How did my child get to be so smart?

I cleaned her up and let her enjoy playing with them a few minutes more under close supervision and of course with the caps on! It's All in a Good Day's Work...for a Baby anyway.

Everyday that has been given to me with them is a Gift. I am truly baffled by other mothers who are so wrapped up in their careers that they can leave their little ones behind to be raised by someone else while they go to work. I may not be driving the fancy car, having the big salary, or buying all the great looking shoes and outfits I want; instead I have something even more great. I have the opportunity to invest in a SOUL which means so much more for eternity than all the stacks of paperwork on an office desk that will one day burn up. Don't get me wrong. Some mothers have to go to work. They do not have a choice especially if their spouse dies. In that, the Lord will take care of your little ones and He will take care of you too. Yet, if your husband works, believe me when I say, that the Lord will take care of the extra finances. YOU invest in your little ones. They are only young once. You will not have them forever, and you want to be the one that guides and directs them into the man or woman they are to become.
On that note, I should probably tell you the reason for my writing this title. Natty, Marie, and Mercy were playing today in their room. Natty and Marie had out their Dora Doll House...of which we have two...one we found on the side of the road thrown out and the other at a yard sale for $5.00 (with accessories). Courtney and Emmy had a hand in the side of the road one. It was right after Christmas. "You've never seen any two girls jump out of the car faster to grab up a doll house," states my Mama. By the way, it was pouring down rain too! That of course did NOT deter their mission.
Anyway, there are several buttons that make noise on the doll house when you push it. There is the radio button which says, "Vamos A Bailar." That means, "Let's Dance" in espanol. Well, Marie pushed that button and Mercy's ears perked up. She started bouncing, so I lifted her up on her feet...she holds herself up pretty well now with help...and off she went. The little video clip below shows her "Dancing Debut." I had to put the camera up on a shelf to hold her up and tape it at the same time, so it's a little off centered, but you get the idea.
As for the markers, they were on the floor in the girls' room, and Mercy found them. I turned my back for a second to find her sucking on one. I thought, "That's ok, the cap is on." I had to LOOK and THINK AGAIN! She had got the cap off all by herself. As I pulled the marker out of her mouth, I found a completely green tongue with green lips. She had colored on her arms and bib as well. How did my child get to be so smart?

I cleaned her up and let her enjoy playing with them a few minutes more under close supervision and of course with the caps on! It's All in a Good Day's Work...for a Baby anyway.

"And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work"
2 Corinthians 9:8
2 Corinthians 9:8
Cute, cute!!! I love her laugh! That is funny about the markers too! It looks like she is sitting up good now!
hey Christy--Joy here...I was reading your blog--found it on a link from Vida's page. Wow!! the girls have grown. and that is one adorable video of the 2 girls dancing..too cute!
Dear Christy,
Yes, what a high calling God has given you, entrusting these three precious souls to your care! I'm sure at times the days are long and toilsome, but do not grow weary in well doing for in due season you WILL reap, if you faint not. I love you and am praying for you and Andrew as you raise your little daughters for the Lord.
I don't know if you've ever visited www.BiblicalWomanhoodonline.com/blog.htm or smockityfrocks.blogspot.com. Both of these mothers have young children and write encouraging (and amusing) articles. You might find them enjoyable.
~ Vida
Very cute...I love looking at all the pictures...I better show them to my husband tonight when he gets home from work...lest he once again thinks you are STILL pregnant with Mercy!!
Very cute girls! If it's any consolation, Callie still eats markers and she's almost 2.5. =]
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