God's Words declares, "TRUST in the Lord, and do good; Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness...Commit your way to the Lord, TRUST also in Him, And He shall bring it to pass."
PSALM 37: 3, 5
PSALM 37: 3, 5
What wonderful WORDS from the Lord to take joy and delight in. I especially love reading "Feed on HIS faithfulness." We all know that we need food in order to physically survive, but oh the more to FEED on the spiritual and to take sustenance in HIS everlasting faithfulness. Yes, we must "Dwell in the Land," and sometimes the "Land" isn't always flowing with the Goodness of the Lord, but oh, to look above the evil and hardships of the world and fix our eyes on our blessed Savior. In this, we will find the little things that the Lord gives to us as constant reminders to continually TRUST in Him. When we COMMIT our life and walk to Him, He will lead us and He will NOT fail us.
We've entitled this entry, Trusts and Jumps, because of the bedtime game Andrew invented. To hear the squeals of excitement from the girls is worth more than a thousand words. Just when you think that the fun of the day is over and everyone is to be tucked neatly inside their beds, Andrew flips on the light for one more cherished memory that will last a lifetime. Tonight Andrew surprised the girls with his Scottish hat and red hair wig that our beloved sister, Courtney, gave. She is so thoughtful, you know. She brought it back all the way from Scotland knowing how Handsome it would become Him!!! With his improv Scottish accent, the bedtime Trusts and Jumps began. The hardships of the day were all forgotten when the Lord reminded me of His faithfulness and goodness through the laughter and smiles of the precious ones God has bestowed on me.
Here is a little video clip of the action...some parts are a little dark, but all our friends and family have good imaginations and can come up with "something" to account for the dark.
Oh, and dearest Courtney, we hope this one brings a smile to your face while you are away at school. Continue standing strong for Jesus. We are counting down the days until you come home. "Trust in the Lord and DO GOOD!"
Oh I love it so much! I get back from skating and find this waiting for me. I can't wait to see you all as well. When I get home there is going to be some serious
PAR-TAYing going on. :)
I love you all and miss you more than Sweet Tea...now that's A LOT!
Very funny!!! Love the accent, Andrew!
Courtney, I am sure your mama will have you a big glass of sweet tea waiting when you get home!! See you soon!
Dear Family,
What a DELIGHT! Thank you for sharing the moment with us. (Ken and I watched this together and we are still smiling) Can't wait for the girls to see this. Andrew you get an A+ for being a terrific Dad. Christy thanks for all the extra work it takes to put this on line.
Courtney dear, is that ice skating or roller skating? I hear it's cold up there! Love, Aunt Ruth
Oh, how wonderful! What precious memories the girls will have of their daddy! We love you all and hope to see you...if we can ever make it all the way to Greenville! :)
We love you too, Courtney, and pray all is going well at school.
Vida and Ashley
I loved watching this :) Makes you all seem a little closer...the girls are down for a nap right now....I better get my clicker finger ready because once they get up I am sure I am going to be hitting "replay" the rest of the afternoon!!!
To Natty, Marie, Mercy and Miss Christy, I like your video. I love Natty's room. May I come over next time when I go to Greenville? Make a video of Mercy's room.
Love, Sarah S
I hope you like my note. Miss Ruthie helped me write it. Tell Patch the Pirate Hi.
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