Well, I Timothy 6:17 is the verse from which our title is taken from, but this passage of Scripture does not really apply to the story that I am posting. The point that I want to make is that the blessings of the Lord are continual and bountiful, and that we ENJOY His blessings. These words were in this verse of Scripture, so hence we are using it :)).
Mercy Rose is our third little one. She is 5 months old and growing at the speed of light. While we would eat a meal, we would sit her in the excersaucer next to us at the table. Well, she would make quite a commotion and made it appear that she didn't appreciate the fact that we were eating, and she was NOT!! I would sit her in my lap and she would grab frantically for my fork or spoon, so we put two and two together and said to ourselves, "Let's start her on the REAL food." Mercy began her venture into the REAL food world with RICE CEREAL...yum, yum. I know everyone's mouths are watering. You can't get enough of that Rice Cereal...well, Mercy could. She decided that was not good enough, so onto the vegetables. Green Beans were a big hit...Peas...not so good....Applesauce and Bananas are an absolute no, no. She says, "I will eat them, only with a sour look on my face every time I take a bite." Carrots? Now we are talking. Squash is so, so, and Peaches...well, I'll give it a go. So here is where she stands on the food chain. I plan to move Mercy onto Sweet Potatoes next and we shall see how she takes it.
Now that Mercy is eating the real food...and we're smelling it too...another reason to delay REAL food as long as possible for the next child...IF there is a next child...created the dilemma of where this Little Mercy Dear would eat her REAL Food. We had been giving it to her in the excersaucer, but that is a big mess and back breaking work leaning down to feed her when you are trying to eat yourself. We then came to the conclusion that we needed a high chair so she could be at the table with us. We had given our previous high chair away, so now we needed a new one. I had seen the one I wanted in a Babies R Us catalog and was determined to think that the Rainforest Safari Healthy Clean Chair was the "coolest and ultimate" baby high chair. Our family is into frogs lately thanks to Natty...animals too, so this high chair was IT. It was not in our price range at the time, but the Lord used Andrew's parents to help us purchase the chair. It was a real blessing to me because Andrew surprised me by taking me to Target the other day to get the chair. Andrew's family sends us money at times to help out with seminary expenses. Andrew puts the money away and I forget all about it. Well, Andrew had not forgotten and when I was really in need of a special blessing, he pulled out the money and whisked us all off to Target. Andrew said it was a GOOD Seminary Expense :))) I was in agreement because I had a 10% off Coupon for Target that I had been saving for a big purchase.
So thanks to the Lord for my sacrificial husband and thanks to MOM and DAD who had a major part in getting us the "DESIRED" high chair. So far, it has been a wonderful addition to the family :)).
free advertisement? Yes.
Very cool highchair!!!! It looks like Marie is really enjoying it too! I am impressed with 2 post in such a short time!
Wow, Christy! You are such an inspiration!! Thanks for letting me in on your blog address. =) I'm known to be quite sporadic in my posting too... although I'd much rather be on a regular posting schedule of some sort. Maybe some day.... I'm excited to see what what encouraging words you'll post next. And such cuties to photograph and tell about! Nice high chair, by the way. =)
Yeah!! a video! Marie and Mercy are so big...I can hardly believe it. Well...I must go and finish my homework. I love you all!
Christy, how wonderful! Praise the Lord for the new chair! Thanks for sharing pictures of the girls, and a video too. Blogging is a wonderful way to keep in touch. We're praying for you.
Look at all these comments...you should have started this long ago...mmm...lets see...maybe 2 years ago when we left!!!
Study hard!! I am glad to hear that all is going great for you. Are you coming home over Thanksgiving? I hope so, we are looking forward to seeing you!!
Yes I am coming home. Three Weeks!
Pray for me this coming week. I have a test and my research paper is do tomorrow.
Courtney, I will be praying. What day do you get home?
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