This was indeed a birthday to remember! My dear friend, April, and I planned a surprise birthday getaway for our husbands to the Biltmore House in Asheville, North Carolina. Ben was to turn thirty on March 17th and Andrew on the 19th. We wanted to make it extra special and I believe we did!
April and I had been working on our plan for several months. We had initially thought to take them skiing, but the skiing season was coming to an end and the thought of being frozen in the snow was not appealing to either of us :(. We then began to discuss plans for visiting the Biltmore House. This was a much better option. Andrew had never been so it made it all the more worth while.
Every thing was perfectly thought out, but we were in the making for our own surprise when Ben was whisked off to San Diego on an unexpected business trip. This was very disheartening especially since April and I had already booked the hotel. We left it in the Lord's hands knowing that His way and thoughts are better than our own. April had to tell Ben that we had a surprise planned for his birthday, but she didn't say what. This did help to move things along in San Diego and Ben's boss allowed for him to come home right on time. Isn't God Good!
On Thursday night, March 13, April and I took our wonderful birthday men to a fantastic restaurant. Andrew and I had yet to go to this one. It was called the Melting Pot. It was a little pricey, but worth the fun and experience of tasting what we called..."FUN"DUE or the proper word, Fondue. Andrew was excited because he only believed us to be going out to eat with our friends for his birthday. Boy, was he in for a surprise...especially when we got in the car and kept driving instead of heading home. He was even more surprised when we pulled up to the hotel and I told him that we were staying until Saturday. It was a look that I will always have pasted on my memory. The confused, shocked, unbelievable look best fits the description. Ben did a great job in not giving anything away even though he knew we were going somewhere, but wasn't for sure where. He kept it a surprise for Andrew, and I truly thank him for it.

On Friday morning, we headed off for the Biltmore House and ate one of the best meals for lunch I have ever had. It was at the Deerpark Restaurant which was surrounded by glass windows, hanging vines, white colored lights, linen table cloths, a succulent buffet of wonderful food and fabulous desserts. Of course we were spoiled because we had no children to attend to. Thanks to Papa, Mama, Coco, Emmy, Granddaddy, and Nana for watching all the children while we were away.

We then continued on with our tour of the Biltmore House along with a special behind the scenes tour. After our adventures there, we headed back to the hotel for a night of fun, food, and fellowship. We brought Dairy Queen back for supper and Ben set up his two laptops along with Andrew's, so we could play 3 way Tetris. He beat all of us of course...several times. Just being together as friends and laughing together was a blessed time given to us by the Lord. He even gave us a great time of sharing devotions together around our FREE continental breakfast. What a treasure to have such wonderful and godly friends!

The next morning, April and I put our second surprise plan for our birthday boys into action. We went thrift store shopping around the Asheville area to deter the guys until about 3:30 or so. We had to be back to Papa and Mama's house by 5:30 because we had a surprise party with some of our friends waiting there for them. While we were out, we went to a great restaurant in Black Mountain, North Carolina, called Dr. Peppers. It had loads of Dr. Pepper memorabilia and good food...of course, we HAD to get a Dr. Pepper to drink while we were there.

April of course hit it big in the thrift stores. She found several board games that sell for pretty high on eBay. They might even cover the expense of the trip. I did not do so bad myself. My favorite item purchased on the trip though was something that cost me $3.00. It was a toy type penny whistle or tin whistle. Since I have been home, I have been playing every song I can think of on it. I told Andrew I wanted a real one when MY birthday comes around :).
Yes, April and I pulled off the birthday surprises. When we arrived back home, the guys could not believe that there was more in store for them. We had prepared a game show taken off from the Price is Right entitled the AGE is Right. We had to whip it together somewhat quickly, but it turned out pretty well.
We could not have done it without all the help of our friends and family. Thanks for your prayers, encouragement, gifts of sacrifice, time, and love. You indeed made a birthday or birthdays worth remembering.
I know April will concur with me on this when I say that I am so thankful for a humble and godly husband. What a special privilege I have to be married to my best friend. Happy Birthday to you, my wonderful Andrew...and April says the same for her Ben.

By the way, if you are wondering about the title, it's all about Andrew. Andrew is always saying, "I can't wait until I am thirty. It means people respect you more."
WELL, we shall see about that one! Hee Hee Hee!

April and I had been working on our plan for several months. We had initially thought to take them skiing, but the skiing season was coming to an end and the thought of being frozen in the snow was not appealing to either of us :(. We then began to discuss plans for visiting the Biltmore House. This was a much better option. Andrew had never been so it made it all the more worth while.
Every thing was perfectly thought out, but we were in the making for our own surprise when Ben was whisked off to San Diego on an unexpected business trip. This was very disheartening especially since April and I had already booked the hotel. We left it in the Lord's hands knowing that His way and thoughts are better than our own. April had to tell Ben that we had a surprise planned for his birthday, but she didn't say what. This did help to move things along in San Diego and Ben's boss allowed for him to come home right on time. Isn't God Good!
On Thursday night, March 13, April and I took our wonderful birthday men to a fantastic restaurant. Andrew and I had yet to go to this one. It was called the Melting Pot. It was a little pricey, but worth the fun and experience of tasting what we called..."FUN"DUE or the proper word, Fondue. Andrew was excited because he only believed us to be going out to eat with our friends for his birthday. Boy, was he in for a surprise...especially when we got in the car and kept driving instead of heading home. He was even more surprised when we pulled up to the hotel and I told him that we were staying until Saturday. It was a look that I will always have pasted on my memory. The confused, shocked, unbelievable look best fits the description. Ben did a great job in not giving anything away even though he knew we were going somewhere, but wasn't for sure where. He kept it a surprise for Andrew, and I truly thank him for it.

On Friday morning, we headed off for the Biltmore House and ate one of the best meals for lunch I have ever had. It was at the Deerpark Restaurant which was surrounded by glass windows, hanging vines, white colored lights, linen table cloths, a succulent buffet of wonderful food and fabulous desserts. Of course we were spoiled because we had no children to attend to. Thanks to Papa, Mama, Coco, Emmy, Granddaddy, and Nana for watching all the children while we were away.

We then continued on with our tour of the Biltmore House along with a special behind the scenes tour. After our adventures there, we headed back to the hotel for a night of fun, food, and fellowship. We brought Dairy Queen back for supper and Ben set up his two laptops along with Andrew's, so we could play 3 way Tetris. He beat all of us of course...several times. Just being together as friends and laughing together was a blessed time given to us by the Lord. He even gave us a great time of sharing devotions together around our FREE continental breakfast. What a treasure to have such wonderful and godly friends!

The next morning, April and I put our second surprise plan for our birthday boys into action. We went thrift store shopping around the Asheville area to deter the guys until about 3:30 or so. We had to be back to Papa and Mama's house by 5:30 because we had a surprise party with some of our friends waiting there for them. While we were out, we went to a great restaurant in Black Mountain, North Carolina, called Dr. Peppers. It had loads of Dr. Pepper memorabilia and good food...of course, we HAD to get a Dr. Pepper to drink while we were there.

April of course hit it big in the thrift stores. She found several board games that sell for pretty high on eBay. They might even cover the expense of the trip. I did not do so bad myself. My favorite item purchased on the trip though was something that cost me $3.00. It was a toy type penny whistle or tin whistle. Since I have been home, I have been playing every song I can think of on it. I told Andrew I wanted a real one when MY birthday comes around :).
Yes, April and I pulled off the birthday surprises. When we arrived back home, the guys could not believe that there was more in store for them. We had prepared a game show taken off from the Price is Right entitled the AGE is Right. We had to whip it together somewhat quickly, but it turned out pretty well.
We could not have done it without all the help of our friends and family. Thanks for your prayers, encouragement, gifts of sacrifice, time, and love. You indeed made a birthday or birthdays worth remembering.
I know April will concur with me on this when I say that I am so thankful for a humble and godly husband. What a special privilege I have to be married to my best friend. Happy Birthday to you, my wonderful Andrew...and April says the same for her Ben.

By the way, if you are wondering about the title, it's all about Andrew. Andrew is always saying, "I can't wait until I am thirty. It means people respect you more."
WELL, we shall see about that one! Hee Hee Hee!

We have a lot more pictures to post, but April and I have to sort through them all first. We want to leave no room for black mail! HA HA!
So keep checking back on this birthday blog!
A wonderful weekend with wonderful friends!!!
I love watching Natty play her violin! She plays it so earnestly and holds her instrument so well....I will enjoy her Recital MANY times!
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