"O TASTE and SEE that the LORD is good:
Blessed is the man that trusteth in Him."
Well, you guessed it. Natty lost her first tooth today. This is definitely another milestone for our not so little, 6 year old, Natty Shumaker. Of all places too, in Walmart. Andrew and Mercy were with her when she pulled it out. Marie and I were in another aisle of the store. They came running around the aisle ecstatic and Andrew was holding the tooth. All Natty could say was, "AHH...see my mouth, Mommy." I was a little queasy from the sight of blood and replied, "Oh, how nice. Let's put it in a safe place in Mommy's purse so Daddy Tooth Fairy can find it under your pillow." Natty was super excited about going to bed tonight. If only children could lose teeth every night for this reason alone :)). She did ask me before going to bed if I thought she might get enough money to buy a Webkinz. I smiled and said, "I think Daddy Tooth Fairy might go broke if he gave you enough money to buy a Webkinz for every tooth." If you do not know a lot about Webkinz, they are stuffed animals that you can purchase and get a code so you can play with them online. They also range in price from $10 to $15 dollars a piece. Just between you, the reader of this blog, and myself, Daddy Tooth Fairy is most likely leaving $3.00 under her pillow for her first tooth.
I suppose I should add that she is not quite TOOTHLESS. There is an ADULT tooth growing up in its place. She is quite excited about that too!
How we LOVE our Natty GIRL!